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How To Discover Security Threats Without Being Found Yourself

wall clock camera DVR


Several college buddies and I operated as a team of contract production designers for anything from local theater to debutante balls. We gained experience and projects piled up right up until it came time to switch from being freelancers to an independent shop.

We developed a work area and a skeletal labor force including a security guard. And considering that our work needed the three of us to be on the move, we decided to have a hidden clock camera DVR recorder record day-to-day activity at our place of work for added security.

Hidden cameras, we were told, can capture employees in their natural element much more ably than visible security cameras. It figures that people put on their best behavior if they know they are being observed. What we needed was to catch pilferers red-handed.

Spy cameras with a built-in DVR are especially a no-brainer to have given that no installation is necessary. Because each has its own recording unit, it virtually functions as a point-and-shoot camera that any newbie can comprehend.

Our initial purchase, and really the thing that got us started on stealth surveillance, was a designer wall clock hidden camera with DVR. Sure, it took a “designer” item to entice us creative kinds who love nice doodads to a fault.

However, the video camera concealed within one chic-looking clock is self-reliant so we did not have to buy anything extra to make it work. On top of a free 8GB SD card for the purpose of saving what the camera views, it supports up to 32GB of memory.

Since the DVR is motion-activated, this wall clock hidden camera records automatically when it discerns movements. No human intervention required. Apparently, as well, its use of a 1/3-inch Sony CCD image sensor ensures clarity in recording.

Artists often put their art before their business. As entrepreneurs, though, we are pleased to possess a hidden clock camera DVR recorder preserve what occurs in our business simply because we can surely tell between gains and losses.

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