My wife and I had been distrustful of the nanny. We had a feeling that she was being abusive to our two year old son whenever we were away. There was a time when we noticed a bruise on his leg but did not buy her story that our child had bumped into a table by accident. We wanted to prove that she was abusive by installing hidden surveillance cameras for home use.
Anyone would not recognize our security camera designed as an alarm clock. It was actually an alarm clock hidden camera with DVR that can keep tabs on activity in a particular area. It was so inconspicuous that the nanny did not have the slightest idea that she was being monitored.
On the first few days after we purchased hidden surveillance cameras for home security, there were no signs that the nanny was doing anything horrendous. But only a week later, we found out that the nanny slapped our child whenever he was crying.
We were enraged after we saw the video captured by our alarm clock hidden camera with DVR. My wife was so furious that she attacked the nanny after confronting her. I too was very angry so totally understood.
The hidden surveillance cameras for home installation that we selected served their purpose. Without these spy cameras, there was no way for us to catch the nanny and her devious ways. Covert cameras helped us spare our child from experiencing more abuse so there was no doubt that we appreciate these purchases made on the Internet.
Our alarm clock hidden camera with DVR makes use of motion-activated technology, which means that we need not keep trying to fast-forward to clips involving real action. The camera will start recording only when it detects movement, saving us time and energy for reviewing videos. The recordings can be viewed on our laptop using the included SD card or on a TV monitor by connecting to the camera using its RCA cable.
We further really liked that we got hidden surveillance cameras for home safety that can be configured to record at certain time. This allowed us to set the spy cameras to begin recording at 8AM in the morning.
With the assistance that hidden surveillance cameras have provided to us, there is little doubt that they rank as some of the most ideal home security devices, especially parents who want to protect their infant from any form of child abuse.
This disturbing video really hit home and wonder what other abuse took place away from the view of the hidden surveillance camera. Working parents must do what they can to safeguard their children from an abusive nanny or babysitter.
Crime Is Real, Don’t Be a Victim!
Gerald Urban