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Tips & Recommendations To Protect Your Home


Our video security systems can be accessed remotely from anywhere 24/7 via a computer or smartphone with Internet access.  The following tips and recommendations will help keep your home or property safe…

Often, houses become a victim of robbery and property owners suffer a loss in stolen items or property damages. With the current economic instability, this practice is slowly but surely becoming a more common crime than it was before.

It is a bit challenging to protect your home from expert thieves, but many burglaries are performed by amateurs. These thieves can be kept away if you employ some basic home security precautions.

One of the best things to do is to try yourself and put yourself in their shoes; this will help you uncover any weaknesses in your home security that might need to be fixed.

In case you can go out of your place, even if you are going for just a short time, ensure you lock the house as many criminals walk in through unlocked doors or windows.

For people who have actually installed the cameras, it is very important to hid all the wiring. Professional thieves look for places where they can easily disconnect the home security system so not to be seen.

If you move into a new home, change all the locks and tumblers. This will cost you a fair bit of money but try to think of it as an insurance.

Keep your house in a way that it looks occupied at all times, use automatic timer systems to turn on and off lights and even radios.

Repair any malfunctioning alarms that go off frequently as a lot of people overlook alarms that occasionally go off. Make certain to notify your next-door neighbors that it’s being repaired.

When hiring a house cleaner to clean the house for you, ensure the cleaner is honest and has a great track record. Examine all the references available and if it is a company it is best to review the company’s reputation.

Remember that burglars do not want to be seen when entering your home, so light the entrance to your home. You could maybe consider setting up a lighting system with an infrared detector.

If you see any suspicious strangers or unusual vehicles prowling about, talk with your neighbors about it.

Pet dogs often frighten burglars, even a little one that is noisy is very effective as they do not like to draw attention to their presence. Rather than simply looking for a house pet, it’s a good idea to buy a dog that could eventually attack an intruder.

Finally, part of being secure is not having to think about security.

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