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Defending Yourself Against Street Thugs

Our urban community is a dangerous treacherous place today. I find it distressing that with all the robberies, assaults, home intrusions, rapes, etc. Most people don’t think about personal protection until after they or someone they know is victimized by a desperate street thug. During an assault or rape it is very unlikely that anyone, […]

4.5 Million Volts of Whup-Ass!

The only one you can rely on in an attack is YOU! So you’re taking Krav Maga self defense classes so you can effectively defend yourself if attacked. After class one night you decide to pick up a few groceries. As you close your trunk in the parking lot of the store, a man grabs […]

Trust No One!

The college experience can be a great adventure or terrible nightmare when things go bad and you’ve become a victim and an entry in the FBI crime statistics. We follow media reports about young women being attacked and sexually assaulted on college campuses. But how many sexual assaults go unreported that are considered date rape? […]

Spring Is Here, Don’t Invite Yourself to Be Victimized!

Always be aware of surroundings when parking car and remove visible electronics such as; laptops, ipods, mp3 players and GPS devices. It may seem like common sense but I’m always amazed what I can see inside neighbors vehicles that are parked next to me on the street. Criminals are desperate for quick cash and leaving […]

Urban Street Smarts

Students living in an urban community especially women that commute and take classes at night. Should take precautions to reduce their chances of being victimized by sexual predators looking for an easy target. If possible, walk in a group as you go across campus or leaving the building after class walking to your vehicle in […]

Parents! Don’t Send Your Child to College Defenseless

Parents, seemingly not a day goes by that we don’t hear about a brutal rape or sexual assault of women. Many are young college students experiencing the first time living away from home and now living on their own on or off-campus. The Extreme College Survival Kit provides useful information and self defense tools to […]

Why Do I Need an Extreme College Survival Kit?

Students, if you want to take personal responsibility for your own protection and safety. Carry with you at all times a canister of pepper spray from our Extreme College Survival Kit. This impressive kit includes additional pepper sprays and home protection products to keep you safe in an ever increasing violent society. Many college students […]

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Affordable and Effective Self Defense for College Students

Just imagine, you’re walking to your car after leaving the library and you sense someone is following you. You aren’t prepared when suddenly a man grabs you and puts you in a choke hold. You fear for your life and he demands you get into his vehicle. But what if you prepared for such an […]

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