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How About The Things That Are Small But Valuable?

Sprite soda can safe

The high-rise in which I stay is peopled with office workers so it is no accident that the theft of electronic gadgets is rampant right here. We felt that we were being practical by taking care to continue to keep a Blackberry, iPod or laptop safe from burglary.

After one tenant was robbed of money while his small appliances remained untouched, I got a wakeup call. The items in many cash and jewelry containers come to a higher value than most any mobile computer or handheld device could ever be.

Funnily enough, it is just as easy to walk off with those containers as to pocket a spiffy music player or mobile phone. It dawned on me that my home security had problems and they stood to cost me much more in losses.

As soon as I surfed by diversion safes on the web, I jumped on the chance to try them out for foolproof storage. These types of hiding safes resemble nothing more than the usual canisters to make it seem like they do not contain anything of value.

The trouble with regular cash and jewelry safes is that they are recognizable and thus quick targets of pilferage. A burglar would head right to what looks like a moneybox rather than spend time second-guessing what is within a used can of coffee or candy.

Housebreakers are under time pressure lest they get busted while lingering. Even when they are aware of disguised safes, they have virtually no time to spare for overturning everything in the cupboard to hit upon that one peanut butter diversion safe.

At this time, I have some cash at home in the safekeeping of a Sprite soda can safe inside the kitchen pantry and a Gunk brake cleaner can safe in the garage. In the bathroom cabinet, a Brut shaving foam safe hides my priciest wristwatch.

I do not neglect to get my brand new LED TV and personal laptop safe within my apartment by making use of a vibration-sensing alarm. Moreover, I no longer overlook the small stuff that may be negligible for their sizes however, not their prices.

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