Woman Security Tips: 4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Any Situation
Have you ever thought about what goes through the mind of a criminal? While you may never get the answer to this, there is what you can always do to maximize your safety at all times. UrbanSafetySolutions.com has the tools to bring you peace of mind.
To ensure your security and those of your loved ones, you will first need to establish the most commonly targeted groups. If you look simply at the gender, females are more likely to get burglarized and even sexually harassed to the extent of rape and murder.
To further key in on the data, you can also have a look at the ages of women who are more vulnerable to attack. Here, the data is widespread, but one of the most targeted age groups is that of ladies who just joined or are in college.
Female college students make an easier target as most burglars can easily overpower them. Additionally, most criminals operate under the notion that most of the target group live alone in a college apartment and have few people to turn to.
From what you can see, it is apparent that female college student need extra protection. This is not to say if you’re a woman not in this group you shouldn’t be cautious or take extra steps to ensure your safety.
In fact, besides the tailored initiative to protect female college student, protecting women from unlawful and unethical acts falls on the whole community. As a result, if you’re a woman, the information below will help you boost your personal security skills.
If you’re a man, this still affects you as you most likely have a sister, mother, daughter, and other female friends and relatives. As such, these tips can also help inform you on how to protect both yourself and any female in your life or environment.
What’s important to note is while this information is of great help, it can only serve you once you actualize it. The unfortunate thing about being the victim of an assault is the worst thing to happen to most people. However, no one thinks it could happen to them – until it’s too late. Grateful to see the personal security devices available for women @ urbansafetysolutions.com
Once you have the information and tips on how to protect female college student, it is now upon you to ascertain you prepare yourself adequately. Only then you can be sure of what to do when you face an attacker or see someone in dire need of help.
Remember, this is not only about ensuring you’re safe at all times, but it’s also a chance to lend a helping hand when you can. Such efforts will yield results and lead to the lowering of crime levels in society.
How to protect female college students?
Whether you’re reading this for self-protection, or you’re gathering imperative tips to help you or someone you know, here are a few effective ways to protect yourself from harm with the ultimate college care package.
1. Always carry a stun gun with you
When in college, disruptions in your day are a common factor. While you may have your day all planned and schedules, you will likely get a detour in your plans.
When this happens, you will likely end up being late to get to your college apartment in good time. As it gets dark, burglars and other criminals are more active using the darkness as a cover.
If you’re ever caught up in a situation where someone is following you and you become aware, you should always be prepared. In the olden days, it would be so obvious you’re carrying a stun gun. Even more obvious it would be as you tried to remove it. And since you want to catch the assailant by surprise, alerting them of your next move is probably not the best thing.
Fortunately, you can now safeguard yourself or protect female college student with the revolutionary Spike stun gun. But, just what is revolutionary about the Spike stun gun?
For starters, it packs an electric punch well over 20 million volts which will surely incapacitate your attacker. The Spike stun gun is an excellent addition to the college survival kit as its small enough to carry around without any suspicion.
Additionally, the Spike Stun gun is an excellent way to protect female college student as you can go anywhere with it and you can charge it using a USB cable. You can also turn it to either the light or safety switches.
The Spike stun gun is so effective, it has a lifetime warranty. If it ever stops working, you can always get it fixed or replaced, making it a long-lasting and ideal personal security tool.
2. Get a door wedge alarm for your door
As already established above, most burglars will break in and attack at night. This is because it’s easy to sneak in and out of your house with little detection.
You also need to understand that burglars are always looking for an easy score. That’s to say they’ll likely rob a woman over a man since generically, women would be an easier, weaker target who won’t put up much resistance.
This also means that female college students make easy prey for attackers. But, who says you’re an easy target!? You can still put up a spirited fight without ever seeing the assailant. You can achieve this by always being prepared, whether you’re in the house or not, and whether its day or night.
Getting a door wedge alarm system for your doors is one of the ways to keep vigilant at all times. The door wedge alarm system will keep burglars from breaking down your door or even picking the lock. This is why it’s such an important tool when you’re looking to protect female college student.
Simply put, this means no one is getting access to you without your knowledge. But, how does the door wedge system accomplish this? To start with, the door wedge is near impenetrable. This applies to whether someone is trying to ram your door or pick the lock. Moreover, even if someone was magically able to get past the wedge, there’s a 120dB alarm to alert you of the disturbance in your door.
The 120dB sound alarm will wake even the heaviest of sleepers. Additionally, it will alert anyone close by – such as neighbors or security personnel, who would then rush to help.
What’s more impressive is you can set the alarm’s sensitivity. When you put it on high, even the slightest disturbance will set it off. You can also lower and adjust the alarm setting as per your wishes.
With this innovative gadget, you can now protect female college student at all times.
3. Buy the Wildfire Pepper Gel spray
The above mentioned protection gadgets each have an ideal area where they operate so well. For the Spike stun gun, it works great if you’re in a crowded or dark area and someone is trying to take advantage of you. You can easily stun them and getaway in a few. The door well alarm system works best in enclosed areas –such as your college apartment.
Wildfire pepper spray is also a great way to protect female college student. This is especially because of its practicability and efficiency. But, what makes the Wildfire pepper spray stand out in a market full of generic material?
To start with, this is not your typical pepper spray as it is one of the hottest brands available to the public. The Wildfire pepper gel registers a count well over two million SHU of raw pepper. Once you spray an attacker with it, they’ll temporarily lose some of their sense.
This disorientation of the attacker could give you ample time to get away or get help as it lasts for at least 45 minutes. Better yet, the more the criminal tries to rub it off, the more painful and it will be. Additionally, this pepper spray has an underlying UV mark that can help identify the burglar long after the effects have work off.
4. Xtreme Urban Survival Kit
What’s better than any of the above mentioned personal security gadgets? How about all of them! To better protect female college students, you can incorporate all of the above to form the Xtreme survival kit to protect female college students and anyone else out there.
This whole package seeks to ensure you are safe at all times. Whether you’re walking alone at night, taking a nature walk, or a stroll through town.
These products will ensure you’re safe as the priority at all times. Additionally, you can trust the quality of products as the company is a longstanding member of the prestigious Missouri Better Business Bureau for well over a decade now. Keeping your interests at heart, you can also get free shipping on these products with a promo code.
Finally, it’s important to remember that while this information and tips are helpful, they are of little use if you do not actualize them. Even if you think you’re safe, it is better to have these personal security gadgets and not need them, than to need them but not have them. With this, you will surely protect female college students.