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Smartphone for Remote Video

Any Business owner knows how hectic a workday can be whether at the business location or traveling to see clients. So when your out of the office, you trust that empowered employees will perform their job responsibilities in absence of direct supervision. But that’s not always the situation and is why today’s technology can help. Mobile smartphone devices such as an iPhone, BlackBerry or Android phone are used more and more in monitoring activities at the home or workplace. Our 4 Channel Wired DVR System enables the smartphone user to remotely login and view “live video” or playback recorded video images directly from the Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, BlackBerry Playbook or HTC device.
Suspected acts of theft by trusted employees can be easily confirmed and the culprit identified via the crisp clear video images on your smartphone.

Crime Is Real, Don’t Be a Victim!

Gerald Urban

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