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What Should Be In A College Care Package For Girls?

What Should Be In A College Care Package For Girls?

As a lady, it is very important to be prepared for anything, especially if you are in college. It is very unfortunate that female college students are perceived as easy targets by many intruders and attackers. The criminals believe that women will not be able to defend themselves or counter attack as men would. Urban Safety Solutions has a huge selection of effective non lethal personal security options.

Nonetheless, that notion will become history today. Now, as servicemen and women always say, there is no effective way of winning a war than the element of surprise. So as a female college student, don’t interpret your gender as a weakness; instead, think of it as a camouflaged surprise sword.

Although your feminine appearance will make attackers believe that you are an easy victim as they do not expect you to defend yourself or fight back, when you actually do, it will take them by surprise. They will not expect you to defend yourself, giving you more space and room to counter-attack. And that’s where self-defense weapons come in handy. Keep yourself safe with these affordable yet effective Xtreme urban survival kit: It’s the ultimate college care package.

Spike Stun Gun

One of the main weapons in the college survival kit is a spike stun gun. The tool is compact and lightweight, just like a lipstick. Its small and lightweight architecture makes it the ideal self-defense weapon for college females when they are close to the attacker.

UrbanSafetySolutions has created an urban college self defense package for females

The gun is designed with spikes at the edge that you can utilize to jab the criminal with. You can hit the attacker on the throat or eyes with the spikes and trigger the weapon. What’s more, the gun is small enough to fit in one hand, and it is activated when you grab the handle. The Spike stun gun is an integral part of our college care package.

Pepper Gel Spray

Pepper spray is another handy campus safety tool. Nonetheless, why go for any ordinary pepper spray when you can purchase a pepper spray with a strobe light and an alarm? The extra features in your pepper spray not only make it more effective at scaring attackers but also enhance your odds of escaping from the attacker.

What’s more, it is very easy to use. If you are in a situation where you believe your safety is at risk, the other capabilities will activate once you activate the spray. This means that the criminal will be met with a spray, a strobe light, and a sound alarm, which is more than enough to make them look the other way!

Door wedge alarm

Position the door wedge alarm beneath the door of your room or house to block any unauthorized entry. If an intruder tries to open the door, the 120dB alarm will activate automatically and stop the door from opening. If the intruder pushes further, the wedge will also push back. The alarm will only stop if the intruder stops pushing the door. Also, there is a sensor with sensitivity features that will trigger the alarm if anyone tries to tamper with it.

Where to buy a college survival kit/Xtreme urban survival kit

If you or your loved one in college doesn’t own any of these self-defense weapons, it is high time you get one. Crime rates, particularly burglary and rape, are on the rise, and it is vital that female college students be on the lookout. Carrying these tools is one of the best ways of keeping yourself safe. You can get the kit from various reputable vendors like Urban Safety Solutions.

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