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St. Louis Criminals Most Dangerous in America: Non-Lethal Personal Protection for Women

I’m sure by now you have read or heard the announcement by CQ Press that St.  Louis, MO is the most dangerous city in America. There is much disagreement about the statistical data used to return St. Louis to the #1 ranking in the nation.  There has also been much written and reported in the local media of the outrage and unfairness of announcing St. Louis as the Most Dangerous City in America.

The outrage should be about St. Louis criminals being the most dangerous in America and what’s causing St. Louis to consistently be one of the most dangerous cities in the nation.  After all, we were ranked #1 in 2006 and leaders took no apparent action to address the problem.  So why is everyone acting so surprised?

Also, there has been much discussion about how most of the violent crimes are being committed within easily identifiable zip codes.  Well, if you already know that, wouldn’t it make the problem much more easier to solve?

Here’s my personal predictions;  murders, rapes, robberies, shootings and aggravated assaults will continue to rise out of control as public officials argue about being ranked the #1 most dangerous city in America as opposed to #3, #6, or #10.  Who cares about the ranking, address the problem!  Otherwise, St. Louis criminals, the most dangerous in America, will venture out to the suburbs and affluent parts of the community and we’ll really have a problem when this happens. And as quietly as it’s kept, some say it already has begun.

Criminals aren’t stupid, they’ll eventually search for softer targets near colleges, universities and more affluent parts of the community.  Don’t wait until after you have been victimized by a thug to think about your personal safety.  Wildfire Pepper Spray and Stun Master’s 4.5 Million Volt Hot Shot Stun Gun provide extremely effective non-lethal personal protection for women.

Crime Is Real, Don’t Be A Victim!

Gerald Urban

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