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Defend Yourself with the Stun Master Pen 1.2M Volt Rechargeable Stun Gun

It’s a must for anyone especially women attending college to always carry non-lethal personal protection such as a Stun Master pen stun gun with 1.2 million volts of electricity and it’s rechargeable so there are no concerns about having to buy batteries. Stun guns are designed to give you the protection you need when being […]

PARENTS PROTECT DAUGHTER AT COLLEGE: Mace Pepper Gel and Taser C2 with Laser Sight

Parents are researching rapes and sexual assaults on college and university campuses discovering crimes are often under reported if reported at all. Crimes committed at off-campus apartments where many students  live, may not be included in the university crime statistics where your daughter attends school. Brutal attacks such as rape, sexual assault and muggings are […]


If you own a retail store, restaurant, warehouse or any type business. It’s a possibility you’ve got both customer and employee theft concerns that must be safeguarded. When operating a business, part of the responsibility as owner is to make sure that everything runs smoothly and everyone on the team is being productive. Since you […]

Why College Students Carry Pepper Gel: Urban Safety Solutions Mace Pepper Gel

Mace pepper gel is less contaminating and sprays much further than regular defensive sprays on the market today. The patented Mace Pepper Gel formula causes a more intense and immediate burning to the eyes of the attacker when sprayed in the face. The greater range puts more distance between you and the attacker. Also, the […]

Don’t Send Child Off to College Defenseless

Parents must be vigilant in making sure the loved one your sending off to college won’t be victimized by a street thug. For most college students, it’ll be the first time out on their own far away from the comfort and protection of nurturing parents. Emphasize the importance of always being aware of surroundings and […]

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